Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Zapatito blanco

Zapatito blanco, zapatito azul, dime ¿cuántos años tienes tú?

(Little white shoe, little blue shoe, tell me how old are you?)

Time to play, but who goes first?
Let's count in Spanish!

Use the rhyme above to decide who gets the first turn in any game. All children form a small circle and put one foot forward. The rhyme starts and one child points at each of the shoes in the circle following one direction. The chant finishes on the word Tú (you), the child whose shoe is being pointed at in that moment answers how old they are. Then the counting of the shoes continues according to the number of years of the child who answered.

When the counting of years finishes the person with the shoe in the last number is out (he puts his foot out of the circle). The rhyme starts again and it is repeated until only one child is left.

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